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Diversity and Rainfall Treatment (DART) plots at McGill University 

In 2022, we established a research field trial to examine the interactive effects of crop diversity and altered precipitation regimes on soils and microbial processes, pesticide use, and agronomic performance. Our goal is to determine if and how increased crop diversity attenuates the responses of soil carbon, microbial communities, and pesticide use to changing precipitation patterns. The project is supported by the FRQNT-MAPAQ Partnership Research Program-Sustainable Agriculture
Crop Diversity
The crop diversity gradient includes 8 treatments. The field trial crops are small grain and legumes and include a combination of annual small grain, dry bean, perennial cover crop species, and intermediate perennial wheat. Both spatial and temporal diversity are represented from 1 to 4 species in space. 
Nested with the crop diversity gradient are three levels of rainfall:
  • reduced rainfall (-30%),
  • increased rainfall (+30%)
  • ambient. 
Project Investigators
Jan Adamowski:  modeling and stakeholder engagement
Grant Clark: modeling and nutrient cycling
Valerio Hoyos-Villegas:  breeding and agronomic performance
Cynthia Kallenbach:  soil organic matter and microbial ecology
Mary-Cathrine Leewis: microbial ecology
Antonious Petro (Regeneration Canada): stakeholder engagement
Shiv Prasher: pesticide retention and use
Philippe Sequin: agronomic performance
More to come!
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